What Herbs Can You Dry?

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What Herbs Can You Dry?

Post by Carrie » Wed Feb 16, 2022 9:42 am

Now that you're eager to dry your own herbs, it's good to look at what's available and what dries best. Each herb has its own nuances such as water content, essential oil levels, and proclivity to mold, so it's good to do a little research before you have at it. Good news, you can actually dry any herb you want, just make sure to label them at the end since piles of dried green leaves start to look the same.

Keep in mind a lot of people feel herbs change in flavor when dried, but really the dried version tends to offer more of a punch per ounce. It's a slightly different flavor since fresh tastes, well, greener. That doesn't mean dry herbs should be ignored. There are a lot of uses for dried herb.

Here I'd like to introduce two efficient herbs now dryer to you.

medicinal plants dryer


1. When using the indoor growing plant dryer always follow the manual directions, for the correct drying temperature of desired food & prepping if need be. Do not overlap food on trays, this will disrupt airflow & proper drying.
2. Save Time, Money, and Space

electric weed dryer


1. The HerbsNOW dryer gives you the perfect environment to dry your medical plants every time. Using advanced technology, provides you with a pre-set, ideal temperature that has been tested exclusively for drying.
2. Multi-directional airflow, along with open-weave trays ensures each bud is dried consistently. This also means you do not need to rotate or touch the buds during the drying process.

The most crucial step in selecting plant drying machine is determining how much room we have for it. You need to include the diameter as well as the length. If you want to know more, please have a look at our website ecofarm.ca and you can find more grow equipmments.

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