Particularly important because aesthetics

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Particularly important because aesthetics

Post by mostakimseo12 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:05 am

Dear delegates the list of my negative experiences is endless. However for some strange reason I neither lose my fun nor my patience nor my humor. And surprisingly not my optimism either. And if I lose them it will be for a while. Our country seems to have solved its economic problem. It's time for her to deal with her mental deficit. This is not something that is done through large organizations and coordinated groups or parties. It is the work of small groups a few people small communities. The war against antispirituality will not be won by fighting from the crowd but by cultural guerrilla warfare through patience and time. And this war is is the other face of ethics.

My contact with authority has made me pessimistic but e-commerce photo editing my contact with the world extremely optimistic. After all it is enough to think that the local lords before lords are also people citizens of a small society. Perhaps it is enough to awaken the spiritual needs that I am sure they have. The art of photography did not stop going through adverse and contradictory periods. Born of the realism of scientific research and not of the metaphysics of religious feelings like the other arts it usually had to face the contempt of artists and the doubt of photographers. After the middle of the twentieth century and with the flourishing of photojournalism the public began to recognize its value and the photographers themselves to boast of a social usefulness.


Until the golden calm and at the same time fertile decade of the s came for photography to discover and subtly impose its autonomy and its specificity. In the meantime the militant confrontations of the interwar period had been overcome with artists defending theoretical trenches and photographers joining vanguards or becoming tailgaters of other arts. Alfred Stieglitz at the beginning of the twentieth century struggled to convince first himself and then others that photography and himself were equal to painting and to his famous painter wife Giorgia O'Keeffe. Man Ray in interwar Paris boasted that he took up photography to take a break from his apparently for him more serious painting.

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